Feeling Pressure to Pick A College Major?

Before you freak out about making sure that the colleges your student considers have a specific major, check this out. 3 out of every 4 college students don’t find the major they graduate with until after they start college. Surprised? In fact, 75% of college graduates start college with no idea or the wrong idea about what future they should pursue.
1 in 4 Are Not Good Odds
Turns out, the answer isn’t all that complicated. 17-year-olds can’t be expected to know what kind of work environment fits them best or how they themselves will develop over the next four years. Sure, there are a lucky few who seem to magically mature a lot faster than the rest of us, but be honest; how many of us can look back at our 17-year-old selves and say, “Wow, I was so right about everything back then!”
So why obsess about major during the college search?
Instead of focusing on which colleges offer which major, put your energy into finding a college designed to maximize learning and graduate its students. Want to find out which colleges put their emphasis in the right place?
5 Questions to Steer Your College Search
Ask these five questions of each school you consider.
- What percentage of freshmen graduate in 4 years?
- Can my student graduate with minimal or no debt?
- How often do professors know their students by name?
- How available is academic support for students who need it?
- Does the culture on campus make you feel like you belong there?
Dig into these questions with each college you consider, and you’ll be far more likely to pick a college where your student will grow, learn, and succeed after you graduate. No matter what they major in.